Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Interview with Schimba Lumea

Last week I had the opportunity to give an interview for a newly-created online platform, called ("Change the World"). SchimbaLumea proposes a very cool idea, that was invented long time ago, but, I guess, never implemented in Romania until now: e-democracy. True, the Internet was not that widely spread so it couldn't be used as a democratic platform.
I think the idea is brilliant: don't limit your political and social choices to the formal system of voting and decision. Don't make your choices only every five years. Make them every day.

SchimbaLumea reunites issues suggested by users and solutions proposed or implemented by others. It has the virtue to reunite people interested in the same issues and in resolving them.
I presented PEEP (my project) as one of the solutions that answer the issue of higher education - namely, it addresses the gap between the offer of the higher education and the demands of the labor market.

I hope SchimbaLumea will be the platform that will make PEEP visible and under debate.

1 comment:

  1. ia te uita mey cine da interviuri :P succes cu PEEP.

    Poate ne vedem si noi intr-o zi cand mai iesiti sa hang out cu lumea din CROS.
